Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Beauty and Women essays

Beauty and Women essays Since the beginning of man and through the rise and fall of many different civilizations there have been differences of opinion on what makes someone beautiful, or more importantly what characteristics of women are attractive to men. The answer to this question is perhaps the billion-dollar question. I say this because the answer to this question is sought by women every day through billions and billions of dollars of plastic surgery, beauty products, and stylish clothing. Put simply, the main question that I am discussing is, are there some things that all women have in common that makes them attractive to men? This question arises from the fact that although I, as a man, do have preferences in personality and appearance in looking for a mate. I can still find things about all women that are attractive to me, Whether it is an aspect of their personality or something physical, like nice eyes. It is this habit of most of the men I know to look for the good in girls that make me wonder what exactly makes women in general beautiful? Before any of this can be seriously thought of though, we must first consider the concept of beauty in relation to women. The question here is of course, is our concept of beauty innate or is it defined by our own individual tastes shaped by life experiences? Thinking along these lines, we must go all the way back through history to ancient Greece and Plato, who wrote in The Symposium: And the true order of going, or being led by another, to the things of love, is to begin from the beauties of earth and mount upwards for the sake of that other beauty, using these as steps only, and from one going on to two, and from two to all fair forms, and from fair forms to fair practices, and from fair practices to fair notions, until from fair notions he arrives at the notion of absolute beauty, and at last knows what the essence of beauty is (Solomon, 652). So basically to Plato there was one great...

Friday, November 22, 2019

QA How and Why Should I Keep Track of Time on the SAT or ACT

QA How and Why Should I Keep Track of Time on the SAT or ACT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you want to do well on the SAT or ACT, keeping track of time and how many questions you have left is extremely important. Sections are 35-60 minutes long on the ACT and 25-65 minutes long on the SAT. One of the leading reasons students perform poorly on either test is that they run out of time. And one of the leading reasons students run out of time is not because they're not aware of how much time is left. We'll go over the best way to keep track of time on the SAT/ACT in this article, including what timekeeping devices are and are not permitted on test day. Q: How Does Knowing How Much Time Is Left Help Me? Answer: It lets you plan out which questions to answer first. For each SAT/ACT section, most people agree that it's strategically best to start with the questions that are easy for you. You can then go back and answer the harder ones in an order that depends on how much time is left. If you have three hard questions and 15 minutes left, it probably doesn’t matter what order you do them in. On the other hand, if you only have five minutes left to do three hard questions, you should try to do the easiest-looking one first. But you can’t even make that choice if you have to rely on having a good view of the big clock on the wall or on the proctor's desk. Q: What Can I Bring to Time the Exam Sections? Answer: Not much. Unfortunately, neither test is very accommodating when it comes to timing devices. Both the SAT and the ACT have the following strict rules about what you can bring to the test. Rule 1: You Can't Bring a Cellphone This is for real. You are technically not even allowed to have a cellphone with you in the room, and you're certainly not allowed to look at your phone during the test or during the breaks in between sections. In practice, if you do take your cellphone with you to the testing center, you must make sure it is completely turned off. If you want to be really safe and know how to take the battery out of your phone, do it. Silent mode just isn't safe enough for the SAT or ACT. We say this because cellphones, even on Silent or Airplane mode, can beep or vibrate loudly for various reasons, from a national weather alarm alert to a software update that restarts the phone. And if your phone goes off, the test is over for you. Your test booklet will be confiscated and disqualified from being scored. More pertinently, even if you bring a cellphone with you to the testing center (which, again, is technically not allowed), you definitely, definitely can not use your cellphone, even just as a timer. Rule 2: You Can’t Bring Separate Timers The College Board explicitly lists "separate timers of any type" as something that cannot be brought in. This means no stopwatches, no kitchen timers, and no hourglasses. An hourglass is not an acceptable timekeeping device for the SAT or ACT. Rule 3: You Can't Bring Anything That Beeps If you use a beeping watch in a way that doesn't beep, it should be fine for the SAT/ACT. However, are you sure you won’t accidentally hit a button that makes it beep? Sure enough to bet your entire SAT or ACT score on it? The only way to guarantee your test won't get disqualified is to play it safe and just bring a watch that cannot make a beep. Q: What’s the Best Plan for Keeping Track of Time on the SAT/ACT? Answer: Use an analog (non-digital) watch that can’t beep but that you can easily reset. You can get a cheap non-digital watch for less than $15 on Amazon. If you’re not great at reading clocks, you can get an easy-to-read one that has the minutes marked on a ring around the watch face. Once you have your analog watch, practice using it as a timer with either of these two strategies. Strategy 1: Set Your Watch to Noon Right when each section starts, set your watch to 12:00 (so that the minute and hour hand are both on the 12). The minutes past 12:00 tell you how many minutes passed since the section started. It's an easier way to check how much time has passed than doing the mental math of, "So we started at 10:48, and it's 11:04 now, which means...16 minutes have passed? Probably?" The main problem with this method is that you still have to do some mental time math. For instance: "The 25-minute SAT Math No-Calculator section started at 12 pm and now it’s 12:07pm. How many minutes do I have left?" The answer is 18 minutes, but the time it took you to do the math in your head is lost time you could've been spending on the test. Save your math for the Math section and use this next trick. Strategy 2: Use Your Watch to Count Down to Noon An alternative to setting your watch exactly to noon is to set your watch to a section's length before the hour. For instance, if the section is 25 minutes long, set your watch to 35 minutes past the hour (which is 25 minutes until the next hour). The watch’s countdown to the end of the hour will also be a countdown to the end of the section. Here's a handy table with the times you should set your watch to at the beginning of each section: Section Length (minutes) Set your watch to... What sections are this length? 25 11:35 SAT Math (No Calc) 35 11:25 SAT Writing and Language, ACT Reading, ACT Science 40 11:20 ACT Essay (optional) 45 11:15 ACT English 50 11:10 SAT Essay (optional) 55 11:05 SAT Math (Calculator) 60 11:00* ACT Math 65 10:55* SAT Reading *To keep the countdown to noon consistent across all sections, it's better to use 11 and 10:55 here, but you could theoretically use a different time if you wanted. Setting your watch to count down to noon is helpful because: You effectively have a timer, giving you an edge. It's completely within policy, since you are allowed a non-beeping watch. It's better than doing time math. Of course, if you use this method, don't forget to reset the watch at the beginning of each section. And when the test is over and you’re out of the test room, set the watch back to the real time. What’s Next? Take advantage of your new knowledge of how to keep track of time by reading our tips on saving yourself time during the SAT. Still worried you'll run out of time? We have more great tips on how to avoid running out of time on SAT/ACT Reading and SAT/ACT Math. How long exactly are the SAT and ACT, anyway? Find out with our guides to how long (with breaks) the SAT and ACT are.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Batch and Real-Time Processing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Batch and Real-Time Processing - Assignment Example sic variation between the two is that batch processing involves ‘batches’ whereas real-time processing involves single input (Bernstein, & Newcomer, 2009). In this case, batch processing is preferred. The preference of batch processing lies on its simplicity over real-time processing. With batch processing, data sets are collected and integrated to form a single input. As such, it becomes easy to control the input to achieve the desired output. Batch processing entails the input, processing, and output. Therefore, similar data sets are processed as one data set to achieve an output. The figure below represents a hypothetical batch processing transaction. As evident in Figure 1, electricity consumption rates are summed up into one data set and processed to produce electricity bills. On the contrary, a real-time processing would process individual electricity consumption rates and produce respective electricity bills. As such, the difference is evident. The batch processing system requires inputs to be queued for a set time or quantity before they are processed whereas the real-time processing system requires a continuous cycle of input-process-output. A batch processing system is applicable in a payroll system that involves end-of-cycle processing. Similar to electricity bills, a payroll system is active at set intervals (weekly or monthly). It is prudent to employ batch processing as it collects working hours and integrates them into a single batch at the end of the interval to produce pay slips for employees. It would be time consuming to employ real-time processing where an end-of-cycle processing is required. A batch processing system is efficient for a payroll system. The figure below represents the application of batch processing system in an end-of-cycle processing A batch processing system is applicable in a stock management system. The core advantage of the batch processing system is that it is automated; hence, minimal human interaction. Stock

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Research method - Essay Example INTRODUCTION TO PROBLEM OUTLINE Sportswear retailing is a diverse and fairly fragmented market. Even though at a slower rate, sports retailing chains are showing a steady growth over the years. Retailers are looking for introducing new formats in business along with increasing the number of stores. Independent sports retailers like Sports Direct have established their place in the market and managed to gain major share in the markets. The research focuses on analysis of customer satisfaction in sports retailing concentrating on Sportsdirect.com in Liverpool One. Companies are in a situation where it is no longer enough to satisfy the customers, they need to delight customers. The simple way to measure customer satisfaction is by taking surveys. A successful survey begins with a good questionnaire, and a good questionnaire is built from the customer’s point of view (Horovitz, 1990). 2. AIM & OBJECTIVES The aim and objectives of this research are to: Measure the customer satisfa ction in sports retailing, focusing on Sportsdirect.com in Liverpool One. To find out about satisfied and dissatisfied customers and based on this, put forward suggestions for the improvement and to better serve customers and retain them. To make generalisations about the customer satisfaction in sports retailing sector. ... sports goods retailing industries as customer satisfaction is at the root of customer retention and in effectively raising the bar on the firm’s future profitability. 3. ORGANISATIONAL BACKGROUND Sports Direct International Plc was established in 1982. It is now UK’s number one sports retailer with annual turnover exceeding well over ?1 billion. (Sports Direct Annual Report, 2008). They acquired a lot of companies during their race to success and have around 375 stores in UK and around 60 global stores. They focus on growing UK retail business by continue to drive efficiencies and delivering outstanding value to customers (Sports Direct Website, 2011). Moreover, a significant percentage of Sportdirect.com customers are online clients and manage to get the cushion of market leadership by differentiating themselves from rival firms who manufacture and sell sports goods using the discount-based competition market strategy. 4. LITERATURE REVIEW In the current business world , customer care has a major influence on a company’s long term profitability. Cook (2000) categorises clients as the premise of business and as the element that keeps business alive. The knowledge, attitudes, educational background, and cultural and social environment of an individual have got a major role in moulding his perspectives (Antonides & Raaij, 1998). A well-educated and well-informed customer of the present era has had a clear understanding of standards he expects and this makes it more complicated. As a result, there is considerable attention being taken into account of maintaining relationship between the service providers and customers (Barnes, 1997; Reinartz & Kumar, 2002; Coulter & Coulter, 2002). The bygone twenty years has seen the growing up of relationship marketing as the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Why did relations between the soviet union and the US change in the years 1943-1956 Essay Example for Free

Why did relations between the soviet union and the US change in the years 1943-1956 Essay The first reason is that Roosevelts death in April 1945 brought an end to any superficial unity that still existed at the end of World War 2 in 1943. Truman was now the American President, and relations between him and Stalin were deteriorating very quickly indeed, especially when Stalin was such a determined character and Truman was less willing to compromise, compared to Roosevelt. The second reason is that America had developed the atomic bomb in June 1945. This played a major part in the change in Trumans attitude at the Potsdam Conference in the same year. The successful development of the atomic bomb had lifted Truman on his high horse, and this links back to his attitude that clashed with Stalin. Now Truman was even more arrogant, and as a result, it made Stalin even more determined to get his way. The third reason is that as a result of Churchills Iron Curtain Speech, the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid, Stalin had responded to these by forcing communism on Eastern Europe, then Comecon and Cominform, and hence the Berlin Crisis. This point marks the peak of the Cold War when relations between the USSR and the USA were at their worst. This was because of the Berlin Blockade, when America had humiliated Stalin so devastatingly, with Stalin on the verge between firing at the airplanes, or ignoring them and keeping the blockade up. This is another example of Stalins stubborn nature, as seen in the Potsdam Conference mentioned in the previous paragraph. Finally, the fourth and last reason is that as a result of the Berlin Crisis, President Truman had signed the NATO agreement in 1949, which was a clear union of America and Western Europe against the USSR and Eastern Europe, and most importantly, against Communism. This made Stalin furious, and he responded in defence with the Warsaw Pact in 1955. This move shows that he is not to be outdone, and hence here at the peak of tension and conflict from 1943-56 we see the complete change that has occurred in the relation between the two powers.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hydrogels Essay -- Ethics, Bioprinting, Artificial Tissues

Tissue or organ printing approaches became popular due to lack of organ donors. To address this need, cells or biological molecules are embedded within hydrogels and these mixtures are printed with computer controlled rapid prototyping systems to yield printed organs (9). Bioprinting approaches are promising high-throughput techniques to create artificial tissues and organs for tissue engineering. Gels with or without cells/biological factors are printed on predefined positions layer by layer fashion (Figure 1) with the final goal of fixing damaged or diseases tissues (8, 9). Using this technique, cells can be homogeneously distributed within a hydrogel matrix on predefined positions. This technique is a potential remedy for the cases where cell seeding results in random cell distribution on solid scaffolds. Nozzle diameter, cell density, liquid rheology and operation temperature are the main factors, which affect printing quality in bioprinting based techniques (11, 33, 34). Patterning of cell or biological molecule loaded hydrogels have been widely performed by computer controll...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Brand Comparison Paper Essay

Pepsi Co. and Coca-Cola have been in business for a long time and both are largely successful companies in the beverage industry. They both have different brand components in comparison. A few of the different comparisons would be pricing, quality, packaging, logos, brand equity and features. In the following paper we will discuss these items in detail to see how different these two brands are. Pricing Strategies Looking at the pricing strategies of PepsiCo and Coca-Cola they are taking two very different plans. The products they sell are similar with variations in taste and the brand war in the soda market has been to out discount your competitor to gain market share. The issue with giving deep discounts is that your digging into profits which could cause both long-term and short-term issues. Pepsi has realized the short-term strategy of deeply discounting products over its brand portfolio is not a sustainable business model for the long-term business needs. PepsiCo has changed its view from the short term to the long term and was in a transition in 2013 that slowly saw the company stop offering discounts but switch to a hybrid everyday value strategy. The hybrid strategy closes the gap of holiday price points and its regular price point to provide a better value for the customer very day and not just wait for sales to purchase the product (â€Å"Reuters†, 2013). Coke on the other had is still out performing PepsiCo and other competitors even in 2014 so their outlook is different. The large reason for their performance is the heavy discount strategy that is continuing to be implemented. While it is successful in the short-term it leaves the soda giant open for long-term financial issues (Cooper, 2014). Comparing the two while Coca-Cola is winning the short-term war currently PepsiCo is setting itself up for better long-term gains and growth. PepsiCo is able to see the  value in the future of its company and understands it had to change the way it does business which would cause a short-term set back while introducing its new pricing strategy. However, the long-term value of doing this will keep the company in business and profitable for many years too come. Differences in product quality As far as quality difference in the two products it really is a matter of taste, which is either acquired or just something a person likes. An example of an acquired taste one is like the household a person grows up in drinks Coca-Cola then their taste buds may come to like the product because that is what they were offered in the house. Which for either company doesn’t represent a quality issue in reality but because of brand loyalty they may deem Pepsi or Coke better than the other product. Pepsi has a distinct sweater taste than Coke, which has a hint of vanilla flavoring, higher carbonation, and sodium per swerving (Mertz, 2013). The lower carbonation and sodium makes Pepsi a slightly higher quality product in the not so healthy soda industry. Product Packaging When it comes to Pepsi versus Coca-Cola, these companies have been competitors throughout the years. Both companies have come a long way with their advertising slogans. Coca-Cola’s first slogan in 1886 was â€Å"Drink Coke† and has changed many times over the years to today’s slogan â€Å"Open Happiness† (Coca Cola Journey, 2012). Pepsi’s first slogan in 1939, â€Å"Twice as much for a Nickel† promoted great pricing (G&M Distributors, Inc., 2012). Today Pepsi’s advertising slogan is â€Å"The Best Drink Created Worldwide† (G&M Distributors, Inc., 2012). These two companies could not be any more different is their logos, symbols and colors. Coca-Cola’s main logo has not changed much over the years, sticking with the cursive Coca-Cola font (Coca Cola Journey, 2012). Pepsi, on the other hand, has changed their logo many times over the years. From the Pepsi-Cola cursive font to the Pepsi bottle top, and more recently the Peps i half red and half blue globe (G&M Distributors, Inc., 2012). Product Image and Personality Even though these companies are vastly different in there branding they are very similar when it comes to image and personality. Both companies are concerned with sustainable packaging, recycling, and making an impact of the future of our globe and its environment. Coca-Cola has a commitment to â€Å"set the standard for sustainable packaging, achieve zero waste in our operations and recycle more packaging than we use† (Coca Cola Enterprises, 2014). Coca-Cola uses targets such as using less packaging, using recycled materials, PET bottles, recyclability of their packaging, manufacturing, and inspiring consumers to recycle to assist in keeping our environments clean (Coca Cola Enterprises, 2014). Coca-Cola also uses campaigns like â€Å"Recycle for the Future† to inspire communities to recycle (Coca Cola Enterprises, 2014). Pepsi also concerns them with less packaging, turning waste into wealth, recycling, and motivating others to recycle (PepsiCo, n.d.). Both companies want to improve what they are doing as a company to help improve the environments in communities where they are located. Distinguishing Features Pepsi Co and Coca Cola are both known for offering similar colas that have competed to be consumer’s favorite soda for decades. Pepsi Co most recently has been seen as a more attractive brand to a younger audience than the well-known Coca Cola. Pepsi Co is known for many products beyond Pepsi cola but is easily recognized by the red, white, and blue logo. Besides the noticeable difference in logos Pepsi tends to have a sweeter taste and a citrusy flavor burst. (â€Å"Lubin†, 2012.) Almost everyone has a preference when it comes to choosing between Pepsi and Coca Cola. â€Å"There is a great comparison which says Pepsi is a timely brand and the other brands are timeless brand. So one is for the older people, one is for the younger people.† (â€Å"The Economic Times†, 2013.) Brand Equity A brand has positive brand equity when consumers react more favorably to a product and the way it is marketed when the brand is identified than when it is not. (L.K. Keller, 2008.) Consumers have known both Pepsi Co and Coca Cola for decades. Consumers have tried their products and collected their memorabilia as a supporter of each brand. Although Coca Cola has proven to  be the more successful brand Pepsi Co has not given up. Pepsi Co also has shown success with their sports beverage, Gatorade and bottled water, Aquafina. Pepsi Co has continued to make necessary changes in order to remain competitive and build brand equity. Conclusion In conclusion, although these two brands are largely successful in their own right they also have very different brand components. We were able to research and distinguish several of them to include pricing, quality, packaging, logos, brand equity and features. References Cooper, T. (2014). The Montely Fool. Retrieved from http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/06/16/is-coca-cola-outsmarting-pepsico-or-mortgaging-its.aspx Mertz, R. (2013). Things you didn’t know. Retrieved from http://www.tydknow.com/7-differences-between-coca-cola-and-pepsi/ Reuters. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/22/pepsico-pricing-idUSL2N0E32L020130522 Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand   Equity (3rd ed.) L. K. Keller Prentice Hall, 2008 Upper Saddle River, NJ http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-11-11/news/43930097_1_pepsico-india-brand-equity brand- positioning http://www.businessinsider.com/the-difference-between-coke-and-pepsi-2012-12 Coca Cola Enterprises. (2014). Sustainable Packaging and Recycling. Retrieved from http://www.cokecce.com/corporate-responsibility-sustainability/sustainable-packaging-and-recycling Coca Cola Journey. (2012, January 1). A History of Coca-Cola Advertising Slogans. Retrieved from http://www.coca-colacompany.com/stories/coke-lore-slogans G&M Distributors, Inc.. (2012, December 11). Pepsi Slogans and Logos Throughout the Years. Retrieved from http://www.gmdist.com/2012/12/11/pepsi-slogans-and-logos-throughout-the-years/ Pepsico. (n.d.). Packaging, Waste & Recycling. Retrieved from http://www.pepsico.com/Purpose/Environmental-Sustainability/Packaging-and-Waste

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Understand the Transmission of Infection

Unit 306/HSC 037: Promote and implement health and safety in health and social care Unit 306: Understand health and safety in social care settings Handout 3: Risk assessment 4222 Learning Outcome 2 Assessment Criteria 2. 1, 2. 2, 2. 3, 2. 4, 2. 5 4229 Learning Outcome 2 Assessment Criteria 2. 1, 2. 2, 2. 3, 2. 4, 2. 5 The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations require every employer to carry out risk assessment. Risk assessments should provide a picture of how an accident might happen, how likely it is to happen and how serious it could be.Risk assessments are carried out: †¢ when an individual is new to the service †¢ when using new equipment †¢ when working in hazardous environments †¢ during the planning stage for individuals’ activities, outings or holidays †¢ if an individual’s behaviour may put them or others at risk †¢ for individuals who are prone to falling †¢ for those who prefer to self-medicate †¢ when deali ng with hazardous substances (COSHH) †¢ for infection control when moving and handling activities need to be undertaken †¢ to identify if an individual is at risk from developing pressure sores †¢ if any form of restraint is to be used, for example bed rails. | | |Risk assessment is a key aspect of working safely. Assessments are likely to be carried out for a wide range of situations in your | |workplace. Prior to any work activities, you should carry out your own risk assessment. |Employers must: 1. assess the risks identify workplace hazards – consider what or how things could go wrong identify people who are at risk – who uses the equipment or is working in that area evaluate the risks – the likelihood of an accident, injury or damage to health. How serious this could be? 2. remove all the risks possible, for example, remove the hazard 3. reduce risks that cannot be removed by introducing control measures – for example, fit safety guar ds, provide training and personal protective clothing 4. record each process 5. review the risk.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Facts About the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

Facts About the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor In the early morning of Dec. 7, 1941, the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked by the Japanese military. At the time, Japans military leaders thought the attack would neutralize American forces, allowing Japan to dominate the Asia Pacific region. Instead, the deadly strike drew the U.S. into World War II, making it a truly global conflict. These are the most important facts that should be recalled about this historical event. What Is Pearl Harbor? Pearl Harbor is a natural deepwater naval port on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, located just west of Honolulu. At the time of the attack, Hawaii was an American territory, and the military base at Pearl Harbor was home to the U.S. Navys Pacific Fleet.   U.S.-Japan Relations Japan had embarked on an aggressive campaign of military expansion in Asia, beginning with its invasion of Manchuria (modern-day Korea) in 1931. As the decade progressed, the Japanese military pushed into China and French Indochina (Vietnam) and rapidly built up its armed forces. By the summer of 1941, the U.S. had cut off most trade with Japan to protest that nations belligerence, and diplomatic relations between the two nations were very tense. Negotiations that November between the U.S. and Japan went nowhere. Lead-Up to the Attack The Japanese military began laying plans to attack Pearl Harbor as early as January 1941. Although it was Japanese  Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto  who initiated the plans for the attack  on  Pearl Harbor, Commander Minoru Genda was the plans chief architect. The Japanese used the  code name  Operation Hawaii for the attack. This later changed to Operation Z. Six aircraft carriers left Japan for Hawaii on Nov. 26, carrying a total of 408 fighter craft, joining five midget submarines that had departed a day earlier. Japans military planners specifically chose to attack on a Sunday because they believed Americans would be more relaxed and thus less alert on a weekend. In the hours before the attack, the Japanese attack force stationed itself approximately 230 miles north of Oahu. The Japanese Strike At 7:55 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 7, the first wave of Japanese fighter planes struck; the second wave of attackers would come 45 minutes later. In a little under two hours, 2,335 U.S. servicemen were killed and 1,143 were wounded. Sixty-eight civilians were also killed and 35 were wounded. The Japanese lost 65 men, with an additional soldier being captured. The Japanese had two major objectives: Sink Americas aircraft carriers and destroy its fleet of fighter planes. By chance, all three U.S. aircraft carriers were out to sea. Instead, the Japanese focused on the Navys eight battleships at Pearl Harbor, all of which were named after American states: Arizona, California, Maryland, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Japan also targeted nearby Army airfields at Hickam Field, Wheeler Field, Bellows Field, Ewa Field, Schoefield Barracks, and Kaneohe Naval Air Station. Many of the U.S. airplanes were lined up outside,  along with the airstrips, wingtip to wingtip, in order to avoid sabotage. Unfortunately, that made them easy targets for the Japanese attackers. Caught unawares, U.S. troops and commanders scrambled to get planes in the air and ships out of the harbor, but they were able to muster only a feeble defense, largely from the ground. The Aftermath All eight U.S. battleships were either sunk or damaged during the attack. Amazingly, all but two (the USS Arizona  and the USS Oklahoma) were eventually able to return to active duty. The USS Arizona  exploded when a bomb breached its forward magazine (the ammunition room). Approximately 1,100 U.S. servicemen died on board. After being torpedoed, the  USS Oklahoma  listed so badly that it turned upside down. During the attack, the  USS Nevada  left its berth in Battleship Row and tried to make it to the harbor entrance. After being repeatedly attacked on its way, the  USS Nevada  beached itself. To aid their airplanes, the Japanese sent in five midget subs to help target the battleships. The Americans sunk four of the midget subs and captured the fifth. In all, nearly 20 American naval vessels and about 300 aircraft were damaged or destroyed in the attack. The U.S. Declares War The day following the attack on Pearl Harbor, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed a joint session of Congress, seeking a declaration of war against Japan. In what would become one of his most memorable speeches, Roosevelt declared that Dec. 7, 1941, would be a date that will live in infamy.  Only one legislator, Rep. Jeanette Rankin of Montana, voted against the declaration of war. On Dec. 8, Japan officially declared war against the U.S., and three days later, Germany followed suit. World War II had begun.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Large, Meat-Eating Dinosaurs

The Large, Meat-Eating Dinosaurs Few issues in paleontology are as confusing as the classification of theropodsthe bipedal, mostly carnivorous dinosaurs that evolved from archosaurs during the late Triassic period and persisted until the end of the Cretaceous (when the dinosaurs went extinct). The problem is, theropods were extremely numerous, and at a distance of 100 million years, it can be hard to distinguish one genus from another based on fossil evidence, much less to determine their evolutionary relationships.   For this reason, the way paleontologists classify theropods is in a state of constant flux. So, Im going to add fuel to the Jurassic fire by creating my own informal sorting system. Ive already addressed tyrannosaurs, raptors, therizinosaurs, ornithomimids and dino-birdsthe more evolved theropods of the Cretaceous periodin separate articles on this site. This piece will mostly discuss the big theropods (excluding tyrannosaurs and raptors) that Ive dubbed the saurs: allosaurs, ceratosaurs, carnosaurs, and abelisaurs, to name just four sub-classifications. Here are brief descriptions of the classifications of large theropods currently in (or out of) vogue: Abelisaurs. Sometimes included under the ceratosaur umbrella (see below), abelisaurs were characterized by their large sizes, short arms, and (in a few genera) horned and crested heads. What makes the abelisaurs a useful group is that they all lived on the southern supercontinent of Gondwana, hence the numerous fossil remains found in South America and Africa. The most notable abelisaurs were Abelisaurus (of course), Majungatholus and Carnotaurus. Allosaurs. It probably wont seem very helpful, but paleontologists define an allosaur as any theropod more closely related to Allosaurus than to any other dinosaur (a system that applies equally well to all the theropod groups listed below; just substitute Ceratosaurus, Megalosaurus, etc.) In general, allosaurs had large, ornate heads, threes of allosaurs include Carcharodontosaurus, Giganotosaurus, and the huge Spinosaurus. Carnosaurs. Confusingly, the carnosaurs (Greek for flesh-eating lizards) includes the allosaurs, above, and is sometimes taken to embrace the megalosaurs (below) as well. The definition of an allosaur pretty much applies to a carnosaur, though this broader group includes such relatively small (and sometimes feathered) predators as Sinraptor, Fukuiraptor, and Monolophosaurus. (Oddly enough, as yet theres no genus of dinosaur named Carnosaurus!) Ceratosaurs. This designation of theropods is in even greater flux than the others on this list. Today, the ceratosaurs are defined as early, horned theropods related to (but not ancestral to) later, more evolved theropods like tyrannosaurs. The two most famous ceratosaurs are Dilophosaurus and, you guessed it, Ceratosaurus. Megalosaurs. Of all the groups on this list, megalosaurs are the oldest and least respected. This is because, early in the 19th century, pretty much every new carnivorous dinosaur was assumed to be a megalosaur, Megalosaurus being the first theropod ever officially named (before the word theropod was even coined). Today, megalosaurs are rarely invoked, and when they are, its usually as a subgroup of carnosaurs alongside the allosaurs. Tetanurans. This is one of those groups thats so all-inclusive as to be practically meaningless; taken literally, it includes everything from carnosaurs to tyrannosaurs to modern birds. Some paleontologists consider the first tetanuran (the word means stiff tail) to have been Cryolophosaurus, one of the few dinosaurs to be discovered in modern Antarctica. The Behavior of Large Theropods As with all carnivores, the main consideration driving the behavior of large theropods like allosaurs and abelisaurs was the availability of prey. As a rule, carnivorous dinosaurs were much less common than herbivorous dinosaurs (since it requires a large population of herbivores to feed a smaller population of carnivores). Since some of the  hadrosaurs  and  sauropods  of the  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous  periods grew to extreme sizes, its reasonable to conclude that even the bigger theropods learned to hunt in packs of at least two or three members. One major topic of debate is whether large theropods actively hunted their prey, or feasted on already dead carcasses. Although this debate has crystallized around  Tyrannosaurus Rex, it has ramifications for smaller predators like  Allosaurus  and  Carcharodontosaurus  as well. Today, the weight of the evidence appears to be that theropod dinosaurs (like most carnivores) were opportunistic: they chased down juvenile sauropods when they had the chance, but wouldnt turn up their noses at a huge  Diplodocus  that died of old age. Hunting in packs was one form of theropod socialization, at least for some genera; another may have been  raising young. The evidence is sparse at best, but its possible that larger theropods protected their newborns for the first couple of years, until they were big enough not to attract the attention of other hungry carnivores. (However, its also possible that some theropod kids were left to fend for themselves from birth!). Finally, one aspect of theropod behavior that has received a lot of attention in the popular media is cannibalism. Based on the discovery of the bones of some carnivores (such as  Majungasaurus) bearing the tooth marks of adults of the same genus, its believed that some theropods may have cannibalized their own kind. Despite what youve seen on TV, though, its much more likely that the average allosaur ate its already-dead family members rather than actively hunting them down for an easy meal!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

You are asked to provide an analytical profile of the international Essay

You are asked to provide an analytical profile of the international activity of Tescos the major international retail company - Essay Example TESCO opened their first Express store in 1994 and now they have over 500 stores selling a range of up to 7,000 lines including fresh produce, wines and spirits and in-store bakery. .(Tesco Core,2005) Metro (approx. 7,000-15,000 sq ft) TESCO opened their first Metro in 1992,bringing the convenience of TESCO to town and city centre locations. Metros cater for thousands of busy customers each week and offer a tailored range of food lines, including ready-meals and sandwiches. .(Tesco Core,2005) Superstore (approx. 20,000-50,000 sq ft) Tesco began opening superstores in the 1970s and during the 1980s and 1990s built a national network, to which additional are being made every year. They have an ongoing programme of extending and refreshing their superstores to improve the overall experience for customers. In recent years they have introduced a number of new non-food ranges into superstores such as DVDs and books. .(Tesco Core,2005) Extra (approx. 60,000 sq ft and above) Since opening their first Extra in 1997,the one-stop destination store has proved extremely popular. Extra stores offer the widest range of food and non-food lines, ranging from electrical equipment to homewares, clothing, health and beauty and seasonal items such as garden furniture. The 100th Extra was opened in 2004 and around twenty new Extras open each year, many from extending existing superstores.(Tesco Core,2005) The TESCO strategy aims for equivalent strength in non-food segment as in its food segment. This has meant that TESCO has been making efforts to offer the same great quality, range, price and service for our customers as they do in our food business. TESCO’s widest range of non-food can be seen in Extra stores, including electricals, home entertainment, clothing, health and beauty, stationery, cook shop and soft furnishings, and seasonal goods such as barbecues and garden furniture in the summer. Some of TESCO stores also