Sunday, March 22, 2020

Assael’s Matrix Essay Example

Assael’s Matrix Paper Assael’s Matrix Assael distinguished four types of consumer buying behaviour based on the degree of buyer involvement and the degree of differences among brands. The four types are named in the following table and described in the following paragraphs. TABLE 20: Four types of buying behaviour: Level of Significances Between |High Involvement |Low Involvement | |Brands | | | |Significant |Complex Buying Behaviour |Variety-seeking Buying Behaviour | |Few |Dissonance-reducing Buying Behaviour |Habitual Buying Behaviour | 1. Complex Buying Behaviour: Consumers go through complex buying behaviour when they are highly involved in a purchase and aware of significant differences among brands. Consumers are highly involved when the product is expensive, bought infrequently, risky and highly self-expressive. Typically the consumer does not know much about the product category and has much to learn. For example, a person buying a personal computer may not know what attribute to look for. Many of the product features like 16K memory disc storage, screen resolution carry no meaning to him or her. This buyer will pass through a learning process characterized by first developing beliefs about the product, then attitudes, and then making a thoughtful purchase choice. The marketer of a high-involvement product must understand the information-gathering and evaluation behaviour of high-involvement consumers. The marketer needs to develop strategies that assist the buyer in learning about the attributes of the product class, their relative importance, and the high standing of the companys brand on the more important attributes. We will write a custom essay sample on Assael’s Matrix specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Assael’s Matrix specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Assael’s Matrix specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The marketer needs to differentiate the brands features, use mainly print media and long copy to describe the brands benefits, and motivate store sales personnel and the buyers acquaintances to influence the final brand choice. 2. Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behaviour: Sometimes the consumer is highly, involved in a purchase but sees little difference in the brands. The high involvement is again based on the fact that the purchase is expensive, infrequent, and risky. In this case, the buyer will shop around to learn what is, available but will buy fairly quickly because brand differences are not pronounced. The buyer may respond primarily to a good price or to purchase convenience. After the purchase, the consumer might experience dissonance that stems from noticing certain disquieting features of the product or hearing favourable things about other brands. The consumer will be alert to information that might justify his or her decision. The consumer will first act, then acquire new beliefs and end up with a set of attitudes. Here marketing communications should aim to supply beliefs and evaluations that help the consumer feel good about his or her brand choice. 3. Habitual Buying Behaviour: Many products are bought under conditions of low consumer involvement and the absence of significant brand differences. Consider the purchase of salt. Consumers have little involvement in this product category. They go to the store and reach for the brand. If they keep reaching for the same brand, it is out of habit, not strong brand loyalty. There is good evidence that consumers have low involvement with most low-cost, frequently purchased products. Consumer behaviour in these cases does not pass through the normal belief/attitude/behaviour sequence. Consumers do not search extensively for information about the brands, evaluate their characteristics, and make a weighty decision on which brand to buy. Instead, they are passive recipients of information as they watch television or see print ads. Ad repetition creates brand familiarity rather than brand conviction. Consumers do not form a strong attitude towards a brand but select it because it is familiar. After purchase, they may not even evaluate the choice because they are not highly involved with the product. So the buying process is brand beliefs formed by passive learning, followed by purchase behaviour, which may be followed by evaluation. Marketers of low-involvement products with few brand differences find it effective to use price and sales promotions to stimulate product trial, since buyers are not highly committed to any brand. In advertising a low-involvement product, a number of things should be observed. The ad copy should stress only a few key points Visual symbols and Imagery are important because they can easily be remembered and associated with the brand. The ad campaigns should go for high repetition with short-duration messages. Television is more effective than print media because it is a low-involvement medium that is suitable for passive learning. Advertising planning should be based on classical conditioning theory where the buyer learns to identify a certain product by a symbol that is repeatedly attached to it. Marketers can try to convert the low-involvement product into one of higher involvement. The ways are: ? This can be accomplished by linking the product to some involving issue, as when Crest toothpaste is linked to avoiding cavities. The product can be linked to some involving personal situation, for instance, by advertising a coffee brand early in the morning when the consumer wants to shake oft sleepiness. ? The advertising might seek to trigger strong emotions related to personal values or ego defense. ? An important product feature might be added to a low-involvement product, such as by fortifying a plain drink wit h vitamins, These strategies at best raise consumer involvement from a low to a moderate level; they do not propel the consumer into highly involved buying behaviour. . Variety-Seeking Buying Behaviour: Some buying situations are characterised by low consumer involvement but significant brand differences. Here consumers are often observed to do a lot of brand switching. An example occurs in purchasing cookies. The consumer has some beliefs, chooses a brand of cookies without much evaluation, and evaluates it during consumption. But next time, the consumer may reach for another brand out of boredom or a wish for a different taste. Brand switching occurs for the sake of variety rather than dissatisfaction. The marketing strategy is different for the market leader and the minor brands in this product category. The market leader will try to encourage habitual buying behavior by dominating the shelf space, avoiding out-of-stock conditions, and sponsoring frequent reminder advertising. Challenger firms will encourage variety seeking by offering lower prices, deals, coupons, free samples and advertising that presents reasons for trying something new.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Major and Minor Characters in Literature

Major and Minor Characters in Literature Free Online Research Papers A lock cannot be unlocked without a key that fits into hole. Many literatures form the lock-and-key relationship through their major and minor characters. While major characters lead the story, minor characters add the key elements of the story that would make the story to have meaningful moments. Major characters are locks that cannot be unlocked and see what is really locked in. However, the minor characters play the role of key that can unlock what is locked within and reveal the hidden excitements to the readers. The writers are unable to dispense those minor characters because they are driving force of the major characters and have important role in the play, for example, Tiresias from the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. Also, they are indispensable because of their capability to add intensity to the story and ability to carry moral lessons to the readers, exemplified by Lady Macbeth from the play Macbeth by Shakespeare. First, minor characters are indispensable because they can be the driving force of the major characters throughout the story. Tiresias, the blind messenger, in the play, Oedipus Rex, gives an important message about the fate of Oedipus the king. Surprised by what is predicted by the fortune teller, Oedipus shows a very upset reaction. Oedipus blames and mocks Tiresias for foretelling such prediction about Oedipus’s fate. In this scene, the reader can clearly see the state of emotion of Oedipus and how his emotions change after he hears the prediction. Also, one can find that the prediction drives Oedipus to avoid the events that would occur according to the prediction, but he fails to change his fate. Many tragic events occur in the process of Oedipus trying to reject his fate. Because of Tiresias and his prediction, the play is allowed to have interesting and tragic moments. Tiresias is the driving force of Oedipus and his actions and gives intense moments throughout the play . Tiresias also cannot be left out because of his role in the play. The role of fortune teller is very important in the play, Oedipus Rex, not only because he gives the message to Oedipus but also because he gives the assurance of dramatic irony to the readers and tragedy to the characters in the play. Oedipus leaves Corinth after hearing the prediction made by the Oracle at Delphi, believing that he can change his fate and outsmart the gods. However, as he arrives to Thebes and takes the throne at Thebes, the prediction comes true. Then Tiresias visits Oedipus to tell him about his cursed fate and assures the readers about the dramatic irony. Because of this role of Tiresias, he cannot be dispensed from the play. The writer displays his literature strategy, the dramatic irony, by using Tiresias as the carrier of the element. The dramatic irony used in the play makes the story line much more intense and grabs the attention of the readers. Therefore, Tiresias is indispensable because of his role in the play of delivering the dramatic irony. Minor characters become indispensable when they are the intense-situation makers. Lady Macbeth creates an intense situation from the play, Macbeth by Shakespeare. Macbeth informs his wife, Lady Macbeth, of his destiny that he heard from the witches. When Macbeth arrives to his castle at Inverness, he says that he will murder King Duncan that night. However, Macbeth becomes unconscious and hesitant. He becomes unsure if he should commit the murder and take the throne of Scotland in an inappropriate way. In this scene, Lady Macbeth adds the intensity to the story. She removes Macbeth’s hesitation and convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan and take the throne. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth about the glory and power he will have till his death. Macbeth is convinced and determined to kill Duncan while Duncan is asleep. Lady Macbeth also becomes the hostess of the party before the night of murder, putting everyone in pleasant condition, and puts guards of the king drunk so Macbeth can murder the king. Lady Macbeth plays the key role in murdering King Duncan because she prepares everything for Macbeth. She plays the role of demon in the play because she puts temptation on Macbeth and does all of the evil works for Macbeth. Her evil works are able to add intensity to the play and prepares the tragedy that will happen to Macbeth in the future. This is why Shakespeare cannot leave Lady Macbeth, a minor character, out because she creates intensity and tragedy, which represents Shakespeare’s plays. Lady Macbeth is indispensable because she is a minor character that carries moral of the play. She prepares the evil works for Macbeth but commits suicide after finding out that reinforcements arrived with Malcolm, the son of King Duncan to take over Scotland. Her actions and death displays human corruption very well. She was blinded by the power, wealth, glory, and honor that are achievable after killing King Duncan. Lady Macbeth shows how evil can never prevail. Shakespeare displays one of the morals from the play through his minor character, Lady Macbeth. Shakespeare shows the human corruption caused by power and how the forces evil can never overcome those of good and is destined to fail by depicting the failure, Lady Macbeth, and this makes Lady Macbeth indispensable from the play, Macbeth. Many of the minor characters in the literatures and plays have important roles for the existence. The writers put the minor characters because they are the elements that will make their works more valuable. The minor characters can be the ultimate driving force of the stories, and add intensity to the stories, which attracts the readers. Many people may think the major characters are the ones that give the morals of the works but writers also use the minor characters to give the messages that they could not express through the major characters to the readers. As a reader finds the role of the minor character in a literature work, one may find that the character is the key that fits into the lock and is indispensable. Research Papers on Major and Minor Characters in LiteratureHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayMind TravelThe Fifth HorsemanAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion